Ps4 tesla vs lovecraft
Ps4 tesla vs lovecraft

ps4 tesla vs lovecraft

As an inventor extraordinaire, he has a few tricks up his lab coat. As I said, knuckles won’t do much so he’ll scamper around for guns and ammo to kill everything in sight. He may be smart, but when it comes to orienteering, Tesla’s a tool Shotguns Are So 20th Centuryįor a scientist born in the 1880s, Tesla is pretty badass and can handle himself with a gun. They can’t go through the ever-present fencing or jump over chasms, so it gives you a few extra seconds to reload and change your pants. Shifting from one area to another keeps you alive, but also a good strategy for putting obstacles between you and the baddies. Don’t hate on me comic book fans, I don’t know the true power of the blue man. Nothing too major, a bit like Nightcrawler. Tesla is pretty light on his feet anyway, but being an inventor genius, he can teleport across the map using his Quantum Teleport. The guns will keep the hordes back, but as there are so many, the key to survival is movement. Enemies spawn from multiple locations, including little monster dwellings you can destroy to keeps the rogues back. Tesla runs around each map, killing anything that moves. Fortunately, there are plenty of guns about. Guns are paramount here fists won’t make a dent. One would assume they’re evil, of course. It’s a top-down shooter using both joysticks to manoeuvre Tesla about, aiming with the right stick to shoot and eliminate these evil creatures.


Tesla doesn’t take this too lightly so puts on his camouflage paint, and there’s a series of close-ups of him booting up and packing an arsenal worthy of a small private army. As most rational people would do in times of change, he burns Tesla’s laboratory down and unleashes his demonic hordes to finish off Tesla. Lovecraft isn’t happy that Tesla is creating wireless technology, but the former wants to stick with the quill. There’s a good juxtaposition here (how’s that for a high brow term?) where Tesla represents fact, and Lovecraft is on Team Fiction. These spiders have decided to leave the MCU also March of Cthulu


I still don’t know how to pronounce that. Your homework and keyword for Lovecraft is Cthulu. It doesn’t (it does) matter if you don’t know what he did, but if you play games, watch films and more importantly read books, you will know that he is a pioneer in science fiction and horror. Shame on you if you don’t even know the name. Arguably more famous for his designs and contribution to electricity (he didn’t event that folks), he pioneered the tesla coil. If you’ve recently hatched or haven’t got time to look them up, Nikola Tesla was a human man that did all sorts of roles before the invention of the internet (where everyone is an author, filmmaker, stunt co-ordinator or demi-god).

Ps4 tesla vs lovecraft