Define colloquy
Define colloquy

The freedom, as I understand it, promised by the proclamation, is taking us from under the yoke of bondage and placing us where we could reap the fruit of our own labor, and take care of ourselves, and assist the Government in maintaining our freedom. Slavery is receiving by irresistible power the work of another man, and not by his consent.

  • State what you understand by slavery, and the freedom that was to be given by the President's Proclamation.Īnswer.
  • So far as I understand President Lincoln’s proclamation to the rebellious States, it is, that if they would lay down their arms and submit to the laws of the United States before the 1st of January, 1863, all should be well but if they did not, then all the slaves in the rebel States should be free, henceforth and forever: that is what I understood.
  • State what your understanding is in regard to the acts of Congress, and President Lincoln’s proclamation, touching the condition of the colored people in the rebel States.Īnswer.
  • define colloquy

    What follows is an excerpt from the transcript of this meeting, known as the Savannah Colloquy.

    define colloquy

    The Black community chose Garrison Frazier, a minister who was formerly enslaved, to represent their views before Sherman and Stanton. Sherman’s army arrived in Savannah, Georgia, the secretary of war Edwin Stanton joined Sherman at a meeting with representatives of Savannah’s black community.

    define colloquy

    In January 1865, after Union general William T.

    Define colloquy